You’re not too late


As long as you’re alive,
You can still revive.
You’re not too late,
So, do what you love to change fate.

Take your time, don’t hurry,
Everything will be fine, don’t worry.
Shut the doors of your eyes and ears,
So that no comparative or negative talks can increase your fears.

Calm the storm of external and internal noises,
Go, make your own life choices.
Stop hiding from the world like a mermaid,
Show how rare you are. Don’t be afraid.

You deserve to be happy, not sad,
Erase all the regrets and stop feeling bad.
Trust yourself, don’t leave your hand,
Stand firm to have the desired end.

Richy Khare

Richy Khare

I'm Richy Khare. I hail from the city of oranges, Nagpur (MH). I'm a book enthusiast pursuing post-graduation. I'm embarked on life's journey with a passion that drives me to paint and ink my musings onto paper which provides me immense solace. Singing, dancing, and reading books paint me with different tints of bliss. I aim to be an explorer, gift the world with a better version of myself and add something of myself to this world.

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