Unique sister


She holds a happy world inside her,
In needy people’s bitter life she adds sugar.
In her zone, sad hearts wear a real smile,
Tough, tough, tough to live, when she’s away at a distant mile.

Wish you fall, fall on victory’s hand,
Piece single out of this land.
Can take the shape of all that’s best,
Your performance is awe-inspiring in life’s difficult tests.

Paints the cosmos of her choice,
Passion and determination echo in her voice.
Long, long, long way to go,
Double-edged experiences are there and a lot in life’s show.
Uniting energies make the current time your golden age,
Fate’s searching to adorn you with a crown, on the world’s stage.

In strength’s face, you’re in me,
Locked in my heart, my sis free.

Richy Khare

Richy Khare

I'm Richy Khare. I hail from the city of oranges, Nagpur (MH). I'm a book enthusiast pursuing post-graduation. I'm embarked on life's journey with a passion that drives me to paint and ink my musings onto paper which provides me immense solace. Singing, dancing, and reading books paint me with different tints of bliss. I aim to be an explorer, gift the world with a better version of myself and add something of myself to this world.

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One thought on “Unique sister

  1. Really beautiful writings…๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘